Title: Odessa
Writer/Illustrator: Jonathan Hill
Genre: Graphic Novel
Format- Ebook
Year: 2020
Rating: 5/5 stars
Jonathan Hill's latest creation 'Odessa' reveals the ugly hidden face of the society and brings out people's deepest darkest secrets. Also It is a story that makes us face to face with the burning problems of our society and motivates us to fight continuously to bring chance.
I can undoubtedly say this piece of literary creation is the best I have read this year and I would like to compare it with MAUS as both the works deals with survivors and their struggle for existence. But more than that Odessa resonates with the theme of hope- hope for a new beginning, a new start.
The story revolves around a Vietnamese American girl named Virginia who is one of the survivors of the great earthquake that hit the west coast of America eight years ago. But since than life has changed a lot.Being the elder child of the household, Virginia has learned to cope with the situation. As her mother left her before the earthquake, now after so many years she has learned to take the responsibility of her family which includes her dad and two younger brothers Wes and Harry.
There life was going on quite smoothly when suddenly one day Virginia recieves a percel on her birthday. It was from her mother who sent a necklace and their photograph in it.
And Now Virginia decides go on a search to find her mother.
Will she be able to find her mother?
Is her mother alive or dead?
What would happen to her when she will go outside the protective circle of her family?
To get the answers you have to pre-order the book right now.
The first thing that I loved the most about this work is the concept. Jonathan has presented the hardships of the earthquake survivors in the most realistic and vivid way possible. The work is not merely a story of an earthquake survivor, but I think it actually transcends the boundaries of place and time and the characters of the novel represents everyone of those who are constantly fighting the battle to survive. It is where the work attains universality. It makes the reader feel connected with the narrative almost instantly which I think is the best part of this work.
Secondly, I loved the way the author has narrated the story. Jonathan Hill is a master storyteller and it is evident from the way he has presented the story with absolute perfection. Whether it is the use of words or the dialogues between the characters, everything is done in with utmost care and attention.
Thirdly, the character construction is absolutely fantastic. Whether it is the main characters or the side characters, author jonathan has done a commendable job in weaving their roles in the story.
Lastly I would like to draw your attention towards the illustration part. The way he has painted each and every incident with proper background, it makes the reading experience far better. For instance, the are two destruction, one is in the outside world and another is inside the heart of the people. But they are still trying hard to establish themselves again. The work also highlights tension among people from different region, the dishonesty among the people etc in a realistic manner.
Overall, it was truly an amazing read. I highly recommend this work and give it full 5 stars.
Happy Reading
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